Just Rambling

It has been a really lazy morning! Yesterday rained really good on and off all day and evening. Did get some cooking done, slow roasted a pork butt, made a spicy rub,shoved slivers of garlic all over, and roasted it with a bit of water, brown sugar and apple cider vinegar. It all got pulled for raspberry chipolte b.b.q. sauce. It was really good, and I froze the rest in individual containers for future dinners. I did the same with my ground beef, made some into sloppy joe, I make a regular base, freeze again individually, and when I decide what type of sloppy joe I want, I get a variety this way. And I made some into patty's for the burger nite's, I like to caramelize my onions when I have a burger. I try to make meals I can freeze so when I forget or get lazy, I have something home-made that will take only a re-heat,or fast!

Today I have some strawberry's to deal with, I have pie crust (mom,makes the best for me).I keep it in the freezer in balls. I was thinking of little pocket pies with a honey creme cheese filling and layers of strawberry's. Creme cheese does not freeze, I might have to invite someone over for dessert and coffee this week! It would be nice to sit in the back in the garden. I like showing it off, I started with grass only.

I have been having fun on my FaceBook page. Learning how to use the damn thing, I like the apps. Been making a book list of all the books I remember reading, or the names anyway, I was hoping the movie one was the same, it might be, haven't figured it out lately. Got into contact with a far away cousin, a few old friends, people I used to know. And my friends at work. Pictures of my garden, I like it. Been something to get my mind off of everything else that is falling apart. Garden is pretty self-sufficient right now. By this week-end I will go in and weed again. Things out-side are doing really good now. Did my morning walk around and caught a squirrel in my beans, damn little shit!!! They have done a lot of damage in the garden, digging in pots, really annoying! Well, I guess it is time to watch Martha. And of course get something done in this home!!!


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