You can teach an old dog new tricks.

I have been taxing my brain to follow directions for new knit blocks.  Took several rip outs but I did manage to finally get the Five Rib Braid to work out, so following cable instructions problem ,as long as the rows are repeated with an easy way to remember where I am(Brain is not working right at all). So that that pattern turnedout really nice . I am having a problem with textured stitches, I think I knit to tight , so when the pattern calls for a MS,p3tog,  I have a hell of a time, and just don't want to fight with a whole block to do a Bramble Stitch. I will continue to try, maybe with practice I will get better at it. The Gansey Patterns where a breeze, Humber Star turned out really nice, Full Diamonds worked out nice. I really have to watch colors , some patterns look better in certain shades and textures. Mastered all the Moss Stitch patterns,Chevron,Mock Cable, and the pattern that is the easiest,yet screws me up in the middle of the block- Basketweave. It is like the brain goes haywire, and I knit the opposite of what I am supposed to be doing. Getting really good at tearing apart rows very slowly! All that matters is I am having fun doing all these different patterns, and finally using up my yarn stash. But the stash will always be over flowing their baskets, I just can't help myself!


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