A Sunny Day....

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More Free Etsy Banners {now over }I am just doing experiments with stuff I know nothing about. I know this computer can do a lot more than I let it. I just don't know how to figure things out on designing my own page. Think I might go to a site and get help. Get a paid subscription for a year on a blog service. I have checked out a few sites. I just want to make sure I know somewhat of what I am doing. So far I am not impressed with myself!!! I know how to put the banner in my photo program and do stuff like that, I just need practice. I guess it is time to start crying for a rain day. Then I can work on this machine. But the sun is out, and I am chomping on the bit to go back outside, But , have to wait awhile, spending all day outside is not really a healthy idea. Drains me to the bone, and I am starting to get worn out really fast.


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