Just Because...

The morning looked promising, now clouds are gathering, rain is needed so I won't complain. Just don't have a project planned for today. Yesterday I spent most of the day making donuts, cake and raised. Everything turned out fine, I would of decorated them, but they can be frozen, taken out and warmed up, then you can dip them in sugar or what ever. Exchanging donuts for fish... Come on, who got the better deal? Me of course!!!! I love fish, but hate buying it, yuck!!!! So if I don't have a stock from lake winnie or rainy, I am stuck eating catfish, that I will buy, but it is tenders, cut up and breaded. Not really what I consider a great substitute, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do. I had a hunk of Alaskan halibut, the best! One nite we had halibut, walleye, trout and salmon, all fixed in different ways. We planked the salmon, which turned out really great, I like my salmon over powered by other flavors, the rest just a splash of fresh lemon, but salmon, I like it well seasoned! And... A new fishing rod is coming my way, gonna go this week and get a new rod and reel, along with a licence. Rambling....
It is called procrastination.... Having a short attention span helps too. I should get into a project... I think I over fertilized my seedlings, my basil leaves look burned. I need to really go through them all and clean things up, a whole shelf of cosmos dead, and most of the other shelf, and of course I just read up on cosmos... they are difficult to start under lites. But it doesn't matter, if a plant is in my home, I will eventually kill it! I can make miracles happen outdoors. But inside, I just can't get the hang of it! Out of six pumpkin plants two are left... they ain't looking that great! More plants to buy! I don't know what it is about my green thumb, it only lets me make things live out doors! And I am very thankful I can do that!!!
Always wondered if these blogs are supposed to make sense, personal quips on daily events seems to be so repetitive. Go to Journalism school and become a reporter... I guess the world is changing, and when I say stupid out dated crap....shows my age!!!! I do like the idea of personal glimpses into people's thoughts. And in researching blogs and art pages, people are really amazing.


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