
Showing posts from May, 2010


Now, it all comes to good weather, picking the right weeds, and alot of praying! Almost complete. I have a list that will get knocked off on Thursday when I go with friends to Garden Meadows, it is just before Hinckley. I bought the cages their last year, I hope they have them again, and a red one. I watered good this morning, and maybe this evening again, depends on the temp. Things are popping up, and so are the weeds. I plan to go out later and do a bit between rows, and what I know for sure is a weed!. The beets need to be thinned out and so do the beans and peas. But no sweet peas yet, and they should be up!. They did this last year, and I only got a few.Now is the time of PATIENCE. Here is the almost final list of what is in the backyard right now.... Roma Tomatoes, Cayenne Long Slim Peppers,Serrano Peppers, Sweet Banana Peppers, Big Jim Peppers, Bush Bean-Soleil, Bush Bean-Slenderette, Maestro Peas, Dwarf White Sugar Peas,Chicago Beets, Kaleidoscope Carrot Mix, White Lisbon Bunc...

A Sunny Day....

More Free Etsy Banners {now over } I am just doing experiments with stuff I know nothing about. I know this computer can do a lot more than I let it. I just don't know how to figure things out on designing my own page. Think I might go to a site and get help. Get a paid subscription for a year on a blog service. I have checked out a few sites. I just want to make sure I know somewhat of what I am doing. So far I am not impressed with myself!!! I know how to put the banner in my photo program and do stuff like that, I just need practice. I guess it is time to start crying for a rain day. Then I can work on this machine. But the sun is out, and I am chomping on the bit to go back outside, But , have to wait awhile, spending all day outside is not really a healthy idea. Drains me to the bone, and I am starting to get worn out really fast.

Facebook | Tamara Jo Rankila

| It is going to be a good day to get things done today. The humidity has gone, the sun is shining, no excuses today. I am going to fix up all my containers, move stuff and mow the lawn. And a little weeding! The wall is still needing attention, get to that today. Going to use the grill tonight for Kabobs, I'll par boil baby reds, peppers, mushrooms, vadalia onions, zucchini. and pineapple. The scallops and shrimp will have pineapple, peppers, and lemon wedged. Teriyaki pork and a garlic herb marinated steak will go with the rest of the veggies. Do a few skewers with just potatoes and then desert ones with pineapple and I will make a glaze to bump up the flavor a bit. So my day is planned. Got a shout out to a friend for lunch and flower shopping too!!!! It is 6:30 a.m. so I better get going. I washed my bib-over-all shorts, camera is charging and so are both of my music players. Ready....Set....Go...!!!!!

A Good Day.....

I know exactly how he feels!!! Just came in from planting a few more things. The cypress vine went in, but I put it in a stupid place... the gourd wall is pretty much going to cover it up, unless I can twine it thru the gourd wall too. I planted lots, so time will tell. Spaghetti Squash, and a few Big Max Pumpkins, the rest of the Teddy Bear Sunflowers. I have two empty hills, I'll be going Greenhouse shopping this week. Need annuals for containers, the blueberry plants, the strawberry set-up. A few more herbs, tomato plants. That is it. A friend of the family is bringing me a stack of cut square posts for the retaining wall tomorrow morning. Fix the end up and plant some ground cover for now, something that will creep over the side. The thing is, this end of the garden is built up by ripped up grass from making it larger. I would like to plastic it over for next fall, but that will look so ugly! Think of something, I could make a wall of cosmos g...

Let it now Grow!!!!

Everything is going beautifully in the backyard. The weather has been fantastic. So here it goes, I started planting on Tuesday and I am still not done and it is now Thursday. But I am doing good!!! In the picture I had a wall of Cosmo's, this year the wall is reds, oranges, and yellows. A Bright Light Mix, Double Orange, Polidor's , and I did do a small section of a mix of pinks, whites and purples. I have three tomato cages with Amish Paste, I use them for a little sauce, mostly sun dried. Lots of Basil between the cages, Purple Ruffle, Sweet Genovese , Mrs. Burns Lemon, Red Rubin. I love my Pesto!!!! I will just list the rest.... Bunching Onions, Detroit Beets, Maestro Peas, Dwarf White Sugar Peas,Fern leaf Dill, Slenderette Bush Beans, Soleil Bush Beans, Kaleidoscope organic carrots, Four hills of Zucchini, Two Hills of Lemon Cucumbers, Two hills of Tendergreen cucumbers, Sweet peas, Old Fashioned Fragrant s,Sage, Thyme, Eight Black Beauty Eggpl...

My World is .....

Spent the entire day outside yesterday. But... I did the easy work, today ... I have a problem to solve, sloping garden, water run-off. I'll figure it out. That is in the new part of the garden, so I will figure it out, I usually do. My gourd wall didn't fit, because of the compost that was brought in. I fixed that! Needed to be dug in, now it is stable. A few more rows to figure out, and the seeds go in today! Next week plants will go in, I might put my eggplants and peppers, the ones I started in the house, they look a bit raggy after being out yesterday. That flippin green house had about 100 seedlings at one time, if the last flat survives, I will be damn lucky! Can't grow anything inside, plants die, even the ones that people tell me will survive anything!!!! But outside, everything comes up great!!!! I need to live in a warmer gardening climate. I don't know what I do wrong!

Garden Glam Contest

Today is a perfect day to try something new. So I am going to work on a project that can be entered in the Garden Glam Contest. Pull everything together, and see what will happen.It is so nice to have the supplies on hand now to start what ever I want to. Gardening is on hold till Saturday. And even if it gets nice on Friday, still wet, and I can't do any structure work till the shit comes and then till again, and then it is full speed ahead. Seeds in first, then later in the month the plants will go out. But that is not today's subject... Something Glam for the garden, we prefer the word FUNKY! So off to the shed and get a few clay pots, then to the dreaded shelves where all the unorganized crap is organized, sort of. I put things away, then I forget where I put them, or, I gave it away, and now I need it. That is how the world works in my home. Time to shine!!!!

.Gardening on the brain!!!!

The year is on it's way!!! A bit of a cold snap right now, but this to shall pass.  The beds have been made bigger, one good deep tilling so far. I was supposed to get compost yesterday, but due to weather conditions that will be delivered later this week. Hopefully the weather will cooperate! And then till again, put up all the poles and decor in it's place, and wait!  As far as what is getting planted, even though the gardens have gotten bigger, I am still going to plant pretty close together, it worked good last year, the only big mess - Tomatoes, those will be cared for better! Now that I know what to do! So the plans are forming... As far as height in the garden, each corner of the garden will be anchored with a tall sunflower. The center will have a tower of moon flowers, and a cypress vine with small red flowers. The Gourd wall will be the attention getter, growing on that with the ornamental gourds will be a black-eye Susan vine. And the center of that side garden wi...

Vision is still intact!!!!

  I am still knitting and crocheting pillow squares. The count is high , way over 200 squares. And every time I go to put some together I find another yarn , or a pattern that I need to try first, been doing that for a month!. Keep getting side tracked by other things. I have the sewing machine, so I really only need thread, because I have a box of material I can use for backing and casing. I have a few pillow forms and stuffing. Oh! yea!!! My cousin gave me some great tie-dye cotton, that is being used for Aprons. And I found a great web site Spice Berry Cottage on ETSY . Beautiful cotton material, the most whimsical designs, now I need to find some funky male orientated material. This is why I can't get one thing done!!!! I keep adding to the list. And now I have all these idea's for embellishments. I bought 100 Flowers to Knit & Crotchet by Lesley Stanfield. The embellishments in this book are beautiful. I can't wait to loose my...

Just Because...

The morning looked promising, now clouds are gathering, rain is needed so I won't complain. Just don't have a project planned for today. Yesterday I spent most of the day making donuts, cake and raised. Everything turned out fine, I would of decorated them, but they can be frozen, taken out and warmed up, then you can dip them in sugar or what ever. Exchanging donuts for fish... Come on, who got the better deal? Me of course!!!! I love fish, but hate buying it, yuck!!!! So if I don't have a stock from lake winnie or rainy, I am stuck eating catfish, that I will buy, but it is tenders, cut up and breaded. Not really what I consider a great substitute, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do. I had a hunk of Alaskan halibut, the best! One nite we had halibut, walleye, trout and salmon, all fixed in different ways. We planked the salmon, which turned out really great, I like my salmon over powered by other flavors, the rest just a splash of fresh lemon, but salmon, I like it well s...