Sunshine doesn't always mean warmth!!!

Learned a lesson today, even though it has been warm out, the sun has been shining, the ground still is frozen!!! Jumping the gun a bit!!! The Iris's are starting to come out, the poppies are greening, in the window garden viola's are showing up. Allot of rock picking has to be done, but that is my fault. I dumped all my pots and the container dirt in the garden, all of them had rocks for drainage, for some reason I never got to that last fall. For now just getting tha raking done around is enough. I am getting 7 yards of compost, allot of shoveling is coming my way! The main vegtable garden is getting a few feet wider and longer, the sunflower bed is getting wider, lily bed wider. And the Great Pumkin Patch is getting much bigger with a gourd wall, going into a partial shade to full shade garden about four feet deep. On the side of the apartment is a rhubarb patch I cleaned out yesterday, green sprouts there also. It belongs to the house next door, but no one has ever done anything with it for five years now, I am taking it over. If a problem with the renters next door comes up... I will deal with it then. How can you complain about having something cleaned up? Now I am in the mood to get the paper work done, need to make a plant list, figure out what seeds I need, I have allot saved from last year. But I am going to redesign the way I did the veggies, might do a mix of rows and blocks. I might be getting a few more whiskey barrels. If that happens, I will use two for herbs, one for lettuce and nasturtiums, and one for blueberries. I think I could fit three plants in a barrel. I have some really cool colorfull heavy duty hooks, I think I might screw them into the posts along the fence and hang something, find some flat backed planters, the fence is all shade, but I think pansy's would do good, out of the sun. And my big urn... I swear this year I will get the look I want, I hated last years so bad! It was so stiff and it just did not make me happy at all. That urn was my only big mistake in design. Now I need to catch up on all my gardening magazines that have shown up in the last month, look for a few new ideas. I have been consumed making the pillow squares and researching ETSY pages. Hopefully by mid summer I will have that up and running. I have to try to get the garden up and running first. I have three major projects, the garden, on-line store and a organizing photographs. So many ideas, too few hours in the day....


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