Old Tea Towels
Whenever I finally get to sit and write...I loose every thought I had planned on writing about. It seems lately I have become really stretched thin. Several notebooks with things to do, directions,plans, to busy organizing everything, I am not getting anything done. Thinking up new projects, I still have projects that need to be finished!!! Now I want to make rag rugs. what the hell is that about? They are cool, and I have lots of material, I think. I hope I did not give it all away when I cleaned the art closet out!!! I tend to do that, that is why I hate throwing things out, I may not use it at the time I get it, but down the road I eventually use it. But , between getting it and using it... if I got the down size bug... things get thrown away or given away. Now, back to the rug idea. I saw one made with old bath towels. I don't think that is a good idea, strings all over the place. Raggy old tea towels and all the cotton material I have would do better. But the towel one was rea...