
Showing posts from June, 2010

Dreams of a Victory Garden... Again

Another day.... Feeling a bit blah today, worse than usual. No sun to force me to be a human. A bit of self -pity. I don't do that often. At Meg's grad party , everyone is asking how am I doing? Everything is a lie. Just not going to go over it all again. I feel like shit every minute of the day. That is how I am really doing. The strokes are starting to leave a bit of nerve damage. And with everything else pain is a bitch. But life goes on.... Been thinking about a community garden again, got all my drafts out, think I will re-do it for shits and giggles. The thing is , this idea always gets my attention when I am feeling a bit blah. But the more research I do, the grander my idea gets, and now my head is filled with a vision that is attainable. If I could do this, it might give Cloquet a big kick into the future.  I see at least 40 garden plots in that space, beautiful flowers separating the space from Veterans Park. What a better place to have a Victory Gar...

Sushi Anyone?

There Home is SPARKLING CLEAN. Filthy little things. I got a Zebra Snail the other day, I think it is dead. Those things happen allot. I've had these four fish for two years, already had to get rid of the fifth to a friend because they just got too big, and the tank was not keeping up with the waste.I'm already thinking that I should get rid of one more, the tank is needing cleaning more often. I can't keep snails or algae eating critters...They all Die. Gilda,Eddie, Bill, and Bob are still alive after two years. If the snail doesn't move by tonight... Another one bites the dust! The rain is coming down. A nice Sunday to stay in and putz at nothing. I am going to download my new CD. WARREN  ZEVON, I'll Sleep When I'm Dead (An Anthology). Then figure out how to delete songs from my I pod and put these songs in. I feel a head-ache coming on.