Dreams of a Victory Garden... Again
Another day.... Feeling a bit blah today, worse than usual. No sun to force me to be a human. A bit of self -pity. I don't do that often. At Meg's grad party , everyone is asking how am I doing? Everything is a lie. Just not going to go over it all again. I feel like shit every minute of the day. That is how I am really doing. The strokes are starting to leave a bit of nerve damage. And with everything else pain is a bitch. But life goes on.... Been thinking about a community garden again, got all my drafts out, think I will re-do it for shits and giggles. The thing is , this idea always gets my attention when I am feeling a bit blah. But the more research I do, the grander my idea gets, and now my head is filled with a vision that is attainable. If I could do this, it might give Cloquet a big kick into the future. I see at least 40 garden plots in that space, beautiful flowers separating the space from Veterans Park. What a better place to have a Victory Gar...