Slowly but Surely

Somehow, once in awhile a light shines inside this burnt out brain of mine. And things get organized, life gets moving, a life keeps going on. One more room to go through and it is ready for spring! Too early to rally for spring, but hope burns eternal! I used to love the winter, I still think it is beautiful, white Christmas, and lots of snow. It is the cold now that just can't be tolerated, and I can't do anything about that. I can't complain about it, I live here. I do love the four seasons, I just wish the winter one would be the short season! It doesn't help that I don't do the things I used to do in the winter, cross country in New York, and Grand Marais, ice-skating when I live in Grand Marais and Minneapolis.And the fast ,fast fun of a snow machine up the Gunflint. Broomball during the Beargrease. Standing at Devil's Track to take pictures(the bar was still alive). Now... I guess I find winter frigid and also very boring!

And that brings me to all the things that need to be done before the snow melts. I have a two foot high stack of dried flowers to use on the home made journals I put together, it is all in the finish work now. My Secret Keepers need eyes and personalities, then they are done. Socks, yea right!!! I promise I will get at least two pair done by spring!

I promise to get my taxes out as soon as possible, I always putz. This year I will not!!!! Garden money. Catch up on bills, and garden seeds, plants, dirt, and a grill and a patio set this year. I want a little Bistro set, gotta check around, I want to redo the top. I am doing that to a few big clay pots this spring, tiling them, brain drain... can't remember what it is called... Mosaic, I looked to my left and on a sticky note is my craft shopping list. Dreams....

I did make candles today. Eight apple cinnamon votives, a little bigger than a votive. And in the freezer is a big heart candle, same scent, color red. A valentines gift for the girls. I plan to write them letters on why I like them, and sometimes why I don't ...but in a very loving way. And these candy flowers, I received one for Christmas on a package from Dori, really cute. Think I will do a big heart flower. Time to be creative, start thinking and doing right away! Once I started the candles , I had fun. I have no more excuses, my art table and living room and kitchen are all organized. I am living in a perfect work environment.

I have research to do on this machine, I need to find some ideas I can incorporate into what I eat. Things that will not make me gag, because that reflex is starting to get bad again. Don't want to talk about this crap, enough I got to live with it.

On my list for this coming week is the making of a productive grow lite unit. I have all the hooks and chains to be able to lower and higher the lights as needed. Fucked that up last year. Just wasn't thinking. I have done this in the past, and should of known better! It will be a good project to get done. Some plants are getting started in February.

I've been sad all day. Don't know why? Nothing has changed that much lately. I have dug myself into a financial hole, but that always gets taken care of. And money never bothers me. It is a deep sadness today. Surprised me, I am usually angry all the time. Not today. Just sad. But even though I feel this sadness, I can still get my life moving. I have gone back to making lists, and things are getting checked off, even the things I don't like to do!!!


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